Welcome to the Business & Human Resources page for Pearce Elementary School District. This webpage will display job opportunities, staff forms, financial information and other such information.
General Staffing and Salary Information for Pearce Elementary School District for SY 24/25
Pearce Elementary employs approximately 25 full time employees for a district of 150 students. We have a teacher to student ratio of 1 to 15 and a staff to student ratio of 1 to 6. Our special education department has a teacher to student ratio of 1 to 16 and a staff to student ratio of 1 to 4.
This year we will have a full-time equivalent of certified teachers of 7.5.
Average teacher salaries, includes base pay and signing bonuses, not 301 monies:
2025 SY is estimated at 52,807
2024 SY was 51,850
2023 SY was 50,340
2022 SY was $49,353
2021 SY was 46,425
2020 SY was 40,733 Teacher retired which caused the reduction.
2019 SY was $50,856
2018 SY was $46,163.
The average dollar increase in salaries between the 2024 SY and 2025 SY was $1037.00.
This increase resulted in a average salary increase of 2% according to budget form calculations.